How Do I Access or Download Templates From Inside The Course?

In many of our online courses, you will find templates that we have provided to you. These templates will save you time from having to re-create the wheel . . . but only if you know how to edit them!

In this article, you will learn how to "Make a Copy" of a template we've provided into your own Google Drive. You will also learn how to "Download" a document into other programs such as Microsoft Word or Excel.

To "Make a copy" in Your Google Drive

  1. Open up the template you want to edit.
  2. Navigate to "File > Make a copy"
  3. Edit the file name if you'd like
  4. Update where you'd like to save the file in your Google Drive

To "Download" to Another Software

  1. Open up the template you want to edit.
  2. Navigate to "File > Download"
  3. Choose the file type you'd like to save the file as 
  4. Open the file from the "Downloads" folder on your computer using the software of your choice